UV Tables
Check Our UV, White Light & Multiband Tables
UV Tables
Check Our UV, White Light & Multiband Tables
UV Tables
Check Our UV, White Light & Multiband Tables

UV Master Technology
Highly concentrated UV radiations.

Long Lifetime Filter
Unlimited life expectancy for 312 & 365nm.

Stainless Steel Frame
Long lifetime and no rust.

Adjustable Dual Intensity
Ideal to switch from short gel visualization to longer preparative work.

Super-Bright® transilluminator significantly improve the quality of gel visualization and documentation. The Super-Bright® enables background-free illumination of the entire filter surface without visible light components. The UV tubes are no more visible. This improves the contrast in the gel so that even the faintest bands can be identified. It can also be used to measure dyes that are outshone by the blue-violet background light in conventional UV transilluminators. These include a large number of Ethidium Bromide replacement dyes.
The Super-Bright® Multiband transilluminator TCP-26.LMX represents the top model of this type series, as it combines the above advantages with the advantages of the Multiband transilluminators. Due to its wavelength selector, ideal conditions for analytical as well as for preparative work are guaranteed. As well, analyses have shown that excitation with 365 nm Super-Bright® UV-light leads to excellent results for Q-Dot™ dyes or AMC.
- Optimal results for a large number of fluorophores, e.g. Q-Dots™, SYBR™ dyes, Midori-GreenTM, GelRedTM or Ethidium Bromide
- Invisible UV tubes – No background light – Even faint bands are easily visible
- Wavelength selector, perfect for analytical and preparative work (TCP model)
- Adjustable dual intensity selector (100%-70%)
- Unlimited filter life expectancy
- Adjustable UV safety screen
- Extremely low amount of infrared light
- Continuously adjustable UV protective shield
- Stainless steel frame
- Ondulex® reflector for higher UV output
- 100/115/230 volt, 50/60 Hz
Tables Of Products
We provides first-class UV transilluminators for documentation and preparation in different dimensions and configurations. Our innovative Super-Bright filter stops all the visible light emitted by the tubes. As the UV tubes are no more visible, the Super-Bright improves dramatically the quality of gel visualization and documentation.
Tables Of Products
We provides first-class UV transilluminators for documentation and preparation in different dimensions and configurations. Our innovative Super-Bright filter stops all the visible light emitted by the tubes. As the UV tubes are no more visible, the Super-Bright improves dramatically the quality of gel visualization and documentation.